
2 Support at KPU’s Learning Centres

Alice Macpherson

The Learning Centres on all four KPU campuses are available to all KPU students to support you in your studies and help you to succeed.

We will assist you at any stage in your learning so that you will be able to:

  • Take control of your time and manage your studying efficiently.
  • Develop your most effective learning and thinking techniques.
  • Analyze and understand your assignments.
  • Use a wide variety of strategies to develop, remember, and recall your course ideas and concepts.
  • Analyze ways to problem solve and think critically about your materials.
  • Work well in groups to achieve success in your projects.
  • Help you prepare to write tests and exams.

Our Tutors, Mentors, Staff, and Learning Strategists will:

  • Model effective ways of organizing ideas and putting them into clear and correct formats.
  • Direct you to methods of locating suitable resources.
  • Help you identify patterns of error in your thinking and writing.
  • Offer you effective techniques for catching and correcting those patterns.
  • Give useful feedback on methods and approaches that you are using.
  • Explain a variety of strategies you can implement to improve your results.
  • Guide you in productive directions about your thinking within your course content.
  • Help you to overcome writer’s block and increase your creative processes.
  • Show you proofreading / editing techniques that you can use.
  • Review graded assignments or diagnostics to help you better understand what you can do to achieve better results.
  • Direct you to other KPU services as needed.

We will not do your academic work for you, including:

  • Not providing ideas or rewriting them for you.
  • Not finding resources for you.
  • Not proofreading or suggesting wording.
  • Not evaluating an instructor’s methodology or assignments.
  • Not speculating on the grade you might receive for an assignment you are currently working on, or commenting on the grades you have already received. If you have concerns about the requirements for the assignment or how it will be evaluated, we will encourage you to consult your instructor.
  • Not taking the place of your instructor.

While Tutors, Mentors, Staff, and Learning Strategists will do everything in their power to help you succeed, they will not do your work for you; they will not provide you with ideas or written work that you may submit as your own.

To do so would violate Academic Integrity and be in violation of KPU’s policy on plagiarism and cheating (see Policy ST2 at http://www.kpu.ca/policies).


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Support at KPU’s Learning Centres Copyright © 2020 by Alice Macpherson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.