

Welcome to LG204 – Introduction to Financial Accounting!

Throughout this course, students will use this textbook to support their learning. As you explore the course, you will see that the content in URCourses will reference or link to different sections of this textbook. You will also see that the content in URCourses includes supporting videos and activities that reference sections of this textbook. This is a valuable resource that you are encouraged to use to enhance your understanding of the content and review elements of the course that you may struggle with.

Important Information – Using this Textbook

As you have discovered, each module in URCourses will link to the relevant chapter in this textbook. As you read through each chapter, you will discover that Learning Activities sections have been included to help support your learning. These activities provide an opportunity for you to interact with the content and self-assess how well you have learned the corresponding content. It is important to note, however, that these activities are not formally graded. Instead, it is suggested that you use the activities to help identify sections of the chapter you may want to consider reviewing before completing the formally graded assessments in URCourses.

Additionally, you will also notice that there are Review Questions, Practice Exercises, and Practice Problems at the end of each chapter. These have also been included to help support your learning so that you can better identify sections of content that require additional examination or support from the instructor.