
20 Introduction

Each day that Indigenous rights are not honoured or fulfilled, inequality between Indigenous peoples and the settler society grows.

Idle No More, “The Story”

In Canada, we are still dealing with the legacy of colonization. Media, institutions, and ordinary people still perpetuate harmful stereotypes and beliefs about Indigenous Peoples. This creates a society that continues to discriminate against Indigenous Peoples.

Decolonization is the “undoing” of colonization and a process by which Indigenous Peoples are regaining their rightful place in Canada and are thriving.

In Section 3, we will address some of the challenges that exist because of centuries of institutionalized racism.

It should take you about 1 hour to complete Section 3. Please complete the Locate Yourself activity first.


In Section 3, you will learn about:

  • Stereotypes
  • Microaggressions
  • Cultural appropriation
  • Taking back control
  • Indigenous rights, title, self-determination, and government
  • Decolonization
  • Reconciliation


Activity 1: Locate yourself (15 min)

Reflect on the following questions

  1. Have you ever experienced being stereotyped or discriminated against?
  2. If yes, what were the short-term consequences? What were the long-term consequences?

Knowledge Check

Answer the questions below as a way to assess your understanding of decolonization and reconciliation.

Note: If you not using the online version of the Foundations Guide, you can find the Knowledge Check questions and answers in Appendix A.


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Pulling Together: Foundations Guide Copyright © 2018 by Kory Wilson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.