Additional Resources
Anuik, J. & Gillies, C. (2012). Indigenous Knowledge in Post-Secondary
Educators’ Practices: Nourishing the Learning Spirit. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, Volume 42, No. 1, 2012, pages 63 – 79
Battiste, M. (2011). Decolonizing Education: Nourishing the learning spirit. Education Canada, Vol. 50 (1), pp. 13-17.
Clark, A., Kleinman, S., Spanierman, L., Isaac, P., & Poolokasingham, G. (2014). Do you live in a Teepee? Aboriginal Students’ Experiences of Micro-aggressions in Canada. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, pp.112-125
Mihesuah, D. (2004).. “Indigenzing the Academy : Transforming Scholarship and Empowering Communities.” University of Nebraska Press
Olsen, A., & Thompson. S. (2017). Structural Oppressions Facing Indigenous
Students in Canadian Education.” Fourth World Journal 15, no. 2, pp. 41-66.
Pete, Dr. Shauneen. “100 way to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses.” University of Regina, 6 April, 2016, retrieved from
Sensoy, Ö. & DiAngelo, R. (2014). Respect Differences? Challenging the Common Guidelines in Social Justice Education. Democracy and Education Journal, Vol. 22, 2, pp. 1-10.
Luke, Allan (2015). Indigenous Education Retrieved January 2018, from
Watch the series in the Learning Exchange (an educational resource that hosts professional learning materials developed by the Ministry of Education in Ontario, Canada) by Researcher Allan Luke on the importance of continuity, storytelling, and the wisdom of elders in the First Nations communities.
Wesley-Esquimaux, Cynthia. Delivering Indigenous Education. Retrieved January, 2018, from
Dr. Cynthia Wesley-Esquimaux, Indigenous Chair on Truth and Reconciliation on behalf of Lakehead, talks about Indigenous perspectives in a unique way.
Armstrong, Dr. Jeannette (2011) TEDx Okanagan College: Indigenization . Retrieved January, 2018, from
Kinàmàgawin: Aboriginal Issues in the Classroom Resource Guide. Retrieved January, 2018, from
Kinàmàgawin: Aboriginal Issues in the Classroom Resource Guide is an excellent resource which includes a guide for use with a film, accessible through their site or via Youtube.
Morris, Sarah (2011) The Complexity of Identity, A Short Summary. Retrieved January, 2018 from
Based on the work of Beverly Tatum, this video entitled “The complexity of Who I am” summarizes some aspects relevant to identity, privilege, and the need of paying attention to our surroundings and our sources of knowledge as elements that inform our worldview.
King, T. (2014, April 09). I’m Not the Indian You Had in Mind. Retrieved January 24, 2018, from
This brief video recounts the story originally written by Thomas King, who is also featured in the video, to discuss and dismiss preconceived notions about Aboriginal people. Excellent resource to initiate conversation!
Grass, Starleigh (2011) Reconciliation and Education, TedEx West Vancouver Ed. Retrieved January, 2018 from
Through a TEDx Talk, Indigenous educator offers a perspective on how schools can facilitate reconciliation with Aboriginal students and their families.
Online Resources
Concepts Used by Paulo Freire, The Freire Institute. (n.d.). Retrieved September 2020, from
This website is about the work of Brazilian educator and philosopher Paulo Freire. Aspects of the website include articles, concepts, and collected works by diverse authors.
Legacy of Hope Foundation, Retrieved on January, 2018, from
This website, administered by this charitable Indigenous-led organization, offers a variety of resources related to Residential Schools.
David Bouchard –Métis author and speaker. Retrieved on January 2018 from
Michael Kusugak –Inuit author and speaker. Retrieved on January 2018 from
8th Fire: Aboriginal Peoples, Canada & the Way Forward Retrieved on January 2018 from
Legacy of Hope Foundation: 100 Years of Loss. Retrieved on October 2020 from
BC Métis Education Elders and Knowledge Keepers. Retrieved on January 2018 from
Aboriginal Education Resources from the BC Ministry of Education. Retrieved on January 2018 from
Indigenous Education Department. Retrieved on October 2020 from
SD#61 resource centre with fabulous resources available to the community
Working effectively with Aboriginal Peoples for non-Aboriginal Peoples. Retrieved on January 2018 from online newsletter with archived topics