Sharon Raz

To be approved and designated as a Diversity and Social Justice course at Lake Washington Tech, student learning outcomes and course content must satisfy 4 outcomes from the following three categories: Power, Privilege, Inequity (choose two), Difference (choose one), and Communication (choose one).

This chapter focuses on the communication learning outcomes from which an instructor must choose one for their course:

  • Communicate one’s own intersecting identities of difference and how they position oneself in relation to power, privilege, and inequity.
  • Engage in intentional communication with awareness of intent and impact. Explain different types of knowledge and how knowledge construction maintains power, privilege, and inequity.
  • Apply the principles of effective and ethical intercultural communication and demonstrate how individuals and institutions could more effectively communicate across differences in human communities and cultures for the promotion of equity and social justice.



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Diversity and Social Justice - Faculty Guide (2021 Edition) Copyright © 2021 by Sharon Raz is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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