It is good practice to record the results of any accessibility testing you conduct. This will make it easier to communicate your results to any stakeholders or organization leadership and will also help you prioritize and action any needed fixes.

Important Information

Include as much of the following information as possible for each issue:

  • A short description of the issue to make tracking the issue easy.
  • A longer description of the issue that explains why the issue does not conform to a particular WCAG success criterion or how it will impact users with specific disabilities or break some organizational standard.
  • A severity for the issue to describe the impact on the user.
  • Steps to find, recreate, and test the issue (e.g. a URL or a login ID).
  • Current HTML code (which is causing the issue).
  • Recommended HTML code (to fix the issue). In cases where the issue is linked to a complex component (like a set of tabs, a mega menu, or a carousel), it might be best to point to an existing accessible pattern, like the ones on the ARIA Authoring Practices site, instead of developing recommended HTML code
  • A screenshot, if possible, preferably with the issue highlighted with a box or an arrow.

Writing a testing report

The format of a testing report can vary depending on the audience, for example:

  • Executives may appreciate a high-level executive summary, which provides some insight into an overview of accessibility challenges for users and legal liabilities.
  • Managers may want an overview of the results, like a dashboard that showcases the top five issues or issues grouped by category.
  • Developers may appreciate recommended code fixes or links to accessible patterns to solve issues. Developers may want a spreadsheet (like this one) or other format that can easily be imported to their bug tracking software.


There are various formats you can use to create a testing report.

  • If you use some form of enterprise software that scans your site, it may have a feature to export a report for you.
  • You may want to create a report template, based on the above tips or a previous report.
  • The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) site offers a Template for Accessibility Evaluation Reports, that includes key information like the scope of review, the reviewer(s), the review process, results, and recommended actions.

Ultimately, the report should meet your needs and the needs of your audience. Consider who will be using and reviewing this information and consider if you need to develop multiple types of templates for different audiences.



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eCampusOntario's Digital Accessibility Toolkit Copyright © by eCampus Ontario is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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