
Using CC Licenses and CC Licensed Works


Option 1: Create a remix in any medium (e.g., photo, video, audio) for use in a course you teach. If you aren’t currently teaching a course, create a remix for use in a future offering of the CC Certification course. Your remix must meet the following criteria:

  1. be comprised of at least five (5) pre-existing CC licensed works,
  2. contain appropriate attribution for each component work (remember to think TASL!), and
  3. be a legal remix (that is, the licenses of all component works must be compatible).

You are welcome to include your own original work in the remix but this is not required. Be sure to create a remix and not merely a collection.

For inspiration, see Montgomery College’s Open Pedegogy Assignments (click on one of the links under Assignments on the left): https://cms.montgomerycollege.edu/mc-open/unesco-sdg/.

Post your remix online. License it with a Creative Commons license (be careful that the license you choose is acceptable given the terms of the component works included in your remix!). Then provide the link to your remix below. Alternately, you can upload your work below.


Option 2: Remix Certificate students’ assignments from Units 1, 2 or 3 in any medium. Your remix must meet the following criteria:

  1. be comprised of at least five (5) pre-existing CC licensed works,
  2. contain appropriate attribution for each component work (remember to think TASL!), and
  3. be a legal remix (that is, the licenses of all component works must be compatible).

Post your remix online. License it with a Creative Commons license (be careful that the license you choose is acceptable given the terms of the component works included in your remix!). Then provide the link to your remix below. Alternately, you can upload your work below.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Creative Commons Copyright © by JR Dingwall is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.